
This afternoon I attended my second prenatal appointment. After the introductory pleasantries and questions were complete, we finally got to the good stuff: the search for the previously elusive heartbeat. Pressing. Waiting. Annoyed at the sound of my own rhythm and then…there! The fluttering fantastic miraculous confirmation of life! Yes yes YES! I cried and grinned as the stranger-turned-friend doctor fellow misted over as well. Oh the joy!
There is nothing like the confirmation of a most wonderful secret; nothing quite akin to proof of a miracle. Amazing things swirl about us every day, but now and then we have moments which simply burst open with all the colors of happiness and all the sprinkling tattered and scattered pieces of something good. What a sweet breath and respite those moments are in our lives.
I am quite confident that we have each experienced periods of loss and challenge and trial in the past months, or perhaps even today. But for now, in this small season, I invite you to share a glimpse into your breath of joy or comment on a moment lately or in a far hazy memory where the colors of wonderful showered your day.

4 Responses to “Evidence”
  1. Kimberly says:

    (I got to hear my baby’s heartbeat last week for the first time. So wonderful.)

  2. Kmarie says:

    So great! Wow you are definitely pregnant-life does take on that almost magical rosy glow at the signs of new life! I am soooo happy for you. Makes me miss it!
    As for a glorious moment it was my hubbys intentions from my last post- so sweet!
    Enjoy dear sweet beautiful Dea! Keep savouring it. Beautiful.

  3. sadie says:

    so awesome D!!!

  4. Pamela Koop says:

    How precious…I understand the budding desires and dreams and yet trying to hold backing hoping just in case your hopes may be dashed! It is so important though to give yourself permission because it is as you embrace each moment of life that that is when you are really alive and love…it is then that you more fully experience the joys and sorrows, and that you see more colors and more clearly:) I felt silly tearing up the other day but it was so precious to watch Kaylee with a toy in hand standing and gazing out the window, now almost a year old! How precious to just be able to enjoy that moment with her, to see her innocence as she discovers new things in life!

Thoughts? Comments? Hmm....

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