loving the wall

I have missed two Mondays. {Remember? I ‘always’ post on Mondays…} I don’t like missing the Mondays. Sorry. I’ll work on it. Life is full here. Full of good things? Yes. Full to overflowing? Yes. Overflowing more like a spilling pot then a smoothly painted stream? Er…maybe. Lately, I’ve been reaching a little bit further. … Continue reading

One year ago….

This was me, one year ago this morning. It was 6:00am, I was showered and scared and about to drive to our local health center for my first ever experience with Cervadil in hopes of inducing laor with our youngest, who was apparently about twelve days overdue.   One year ago…wow. One year ago, we … Continue reading

The other night, I received this kind-hearted messaged. It comes from someone who has seen my boys and sees beauty in my family, but it presented questions and thoughts that hadn’t really crossed my mind. In the chance that others have been wondering the same, I thought I would post it. I hope my response … Continue reading

To follow up….

The following is a brief follow-up to last night’s post. Thank you so much for the comments and emails– encouraging. Today was intense. And so worth it. We started the day: Early. and with another snatch of the sugar jar (how…?) and with a bucket of clay face mask dumped on what was left of … Continue reading

Stuck with me

{It is so far past midnight but the evening was well worth it. But, I’ve committed to getting these Monday posts up so here you go. I hope it’s lucid! It’s been a busy few days! ;)} My home, these boys, the emotions and intensity and destruction…it’s a lot, some days. To be more specific, … Continue reading

Repentance and Rocks

“Hold yourself responsible for a higher standard than anybody else expects of you. Never excuse yourself. Never pity yourself. Be a hard master to yourself – and be lenient to everybody else.” – H.W.B. Ward Beecher Browsing various pages online (ie. ignoring my tasks at hand!) led me to the above quote. I’ve read it … Continue reading

While skiing this afternoon, I reflected more on my newest ‘one word’ (“Rise”). It stood out to me how ‘Rise’ is usually presented in the positive. We do not rise away, instead we rise towards or within. At times, we may be called to rise against, but again, that is still moving forward, in the … Continue reading

Today was so full of circles (The dizzying kind! not the sweet swell of cycles but the nauseating spin of “let me off I’m gonna be sick!”). I started too early and with too much snow to drive to the too-valuable appointment which was too far away. Everything spun along from there. But we are nearing … Continue reading

When the music changes

My body has grown babies of my own flesh and hope. Over the past four years, I have celebrated five pregnancies and three births. Isn’t that simply incredible? I know of the fragile balance between heart beat and silence; between blood soaking away and blood birthing anew. Those points of knowledge are rife with mystery … Continue reading

Forming and finding within the telling

This evening, I find myself reflecting on something unique within women; particularly those who have borne children. I’m thinking about t the pressing, necessary, unquenchable desire to share the story. Childbirth is, in many ways, indescribable. It is a terrible and amazing mystery; an initiation; a transformation. And in the end, after the gush and … Continue reading

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