Who we are

We’re a family of five’ish.
We like to travel. And eat. And explore. and write about it.
There are more guys than gals.
We’d rather live on a small farm or overseas.
Ideally, right now or someday, we’ll live on our small farm and maybe have a little bistro on it, or a catering company, or I’ll finally get that piece published, or J’ will get on at a station that pays enough for us all to go serve overseas for part of the year or…. Yeah.

I am the dreamer. I am burdened with a pioneering spirit and desire for creation and  an insatiable energy for starting things up or creating something out of nothing. In startling contrast, my partner Jeremy is the ‘doer’ and intent on getting the job done right, efficiently, effectively, and without undue chatter or delay. I gush about fifty new and fantastic possibilities and complete three, while he mentions three and completes ten. It is exceedingly frustrating and fascinating and provides an exceptional rhythm and play to our marriage and day to day workings.

The children with us are 1) Jeremiah. June 2008. Too tall for his age, too clever for his stage, and too fast for his mama; this bambino is all or nothing, all the time. He is entirely awake, totally asleep, exceedingly angry, ridiculously excited, or entirely ‘there’ whatever there may be at that moment. He is exhausting and awesome and a major player in our journey. He has only known this life and we pray he will be better for it. I think of him as ‘The Initiator’.
2) Knightley Tolkien. Light. Hope. Open and blue-eyed and sparkling.  This child was given to grow in me during a time of defeat and sorrow and questions. While seen by some in our lives at the time as an inconvenience, we knew he was an exceptional gift of hope . His first year has been marked by three homes and all kinds of stages and seasons in a short time, yet he continues to flow with light and joy. I think of him as ‘The Comforter’.
3) Baby-Baby, due Winter 2012. He is already strong and active. His face appears quite round in the ultrasound, but he’s quite the long long legs of his eldest brother. Already, I think of him as ‘The Defender’
(And there are two others, unknown for now, who we celebrated briefly between Jeremiah and Knightley and who’s names we will always wonder about….).

This is us. Wandering souls on a road to somewhere. And you.

Us Autumn 2011

One Response to “Who we are”
  1. Erin B says:

    AWw. I love the descriptions you have of all 3 of you. what a sweet way to put things.

Thoughts? Comments? Hmm....

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