• Welcome to Whole Dei: a story, a journey, a place to share.

    These posts are only pieces; glimpses towards wholeness and one Great Dei. I am still in the first breaths of discovering the purpose and content of this site (previously titled 'Of Gypsies & Cowboys'). The years of thought and reflection recorded here in past posts stem from a journey of adventure, discovery, brokenness, questions, mountain tops, and valley roads. In a sense, this re-visioning of the blog is a brand new step. In a greater sense, it’s simply follow-through; bringing together all the shards and threads and releasing them to Beauty. Let us journey together. Let us question and challenge, create and console, laugh and color. Thank you for stepping into the story….

This time it’s deeper

We are under construction! And by ‘we’ I’m referring to me and Whole Dei and you, if you like. New content will be limited here for the next period {intentionally ambiguous as far as time}, though there will be all kinds of behind the scenes action as I sift through the 600+ posts and categorize … Continue reading

What I see from here

These days are full of good things. Good, good, wild, and gorgeous! Today, soaking up these three gorgeous wildling boys and the new all-girl of a pup. Moving as fast as baby  steps and as orderly as a toddler Labrador and with the fresh energy of that waiting space between Thanksgiving and Christmas. So much … Continue reading


On Friday, I posted the following as my FaceBook status: “What a phenomenal week! I’m thrilled with the outcome of my days and the promise of an evening at home. Something I’ve realized is that I’m a fairly…fluid…person. By fluid I’m just attempting a decent way of referencing waves, which is really just saying I’m … Continue reading

Buttons buttons…!

<div align=”center”><a href=”http://www.speronaturals.com&#8221; title=”Spero Naturals”><img src=”https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-Eo7N6-Qv5HY/UlSjdwEvOBI/AAAAAAAAC1g/HjkX4xuNSd0/s128/P1012804%20-%20Copy.JPG?gl=CA&#8221; alt=”Spero Naturals” style=”border:none;” /></a></div> This isn’t exactly ‘whole dei’ ‘ish, but it IS where I spend much of my time when I’m not here or studying or chasing kiddos or recovering from those things. A pro-blogger friend inspired me to get going on a button. This one isn’t quite … Continue reading

“Pick up your mat…”

I first noticed his unique legs when he was only days old. He was my only baby who refused to push back, to brace his knees, to heroically ‘stand’ on my lap in all of his fresh baby strength. Unlike the other boys, he didn’t jump in the jumper. Instead, he let his feet slide … Continue reading

Why I don’t laugh at his ghost stories

“Mama,” he said to me, snuggled in with a ragged sheepskin, soccer ball, dinosaur and who knows what else under his blanket, “I saw ghost at the park today.” “A ghost?” I replied, smiling. “Aw. What was it like?” “He was very big. He was not happy. He was not kind.” “Oh. What did you … Continue reading

autumn and Faith and celebration and….

I’m sitting here in darkened room, somewhere between Equinox and Monday. The fire is still burning outside. Bottles and plates and evidences strewn like art around the kitchen. My man has tucked in, my sons hours before him, guests tripping along home. And the moon hangs and hides and peeks. And now, from that balance … Continue reading

every member of the home {a positive look at ‘child labor’}

These early years of babies and playgrounds and travels and projects and scrambling about in the morning have been grand! But as babes grow into boys, studies into shiftwork, and huts into houses, I am witnessing a need to strengthen the foundation of my home and family rhythm. Within that realization is the fact that … Continue reading

on a typical friday night

Where did that picture of romance originate? You know, the flowers. The chocolates. The sex on the third date. Where did we learn keep score and run the red and award that action or non-action? And where did they, the “him” in the “us” learn to follow that lead? To put flesh to that picture? … Continue reading

When love is war and nothing’s fair

  In  scripture, onto Shakespeare, through rock and roll, and again in every home and glance, we witness: “love hurts”. Somehow, between Love speaking beauty into being and fragments into form, the hope and legacy of love has become twisted. Promises broken. Children slain. Vows despised. And then…repeat. The past years have presented me with … Continue reading

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